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You are here » The Great Cops And Robbers : » The Suggestions/Announcments » Daily Login Bonus

Daily Login Bonus

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I think it would be cool to have a daily login bonuses for the players who login everyday and it might motivate other players to open more often to get them prizes
For day 1:
Bonus should be something low like 10k in the bank or something
For day 2:
Getting that low bonus something higher which can be 50k in bank or some ammo of a chosen gun -Chosen from a menu- (Not op weapons)
For day 3:
Better and better so it be like 100k or more ammo of a chosen gun or more ammo of a chosen gun or specially spawned vehicle -Chosen from a menu- (Hydra, Hunter, Rhino and RC vehicles are not involved)
For day 4:
Well, 4 days are not that bad so probably 250k or more and more ammo of a chosen gun or specially spawned vehicle or be able to choose 1 skin for 12 hours
For day 5:
350k or few ammo for a single special weapon (3 Grenades, 1 Rpg rocket, 15 flame thrower fuel) or specially spawned vehicle or 1 chosen skin for 12 hours
For day 6:
350k or few ammo for a single special weapon (As above), specially spawned vehicle (RC Vehicle is included with specific amount of fuel, but not for RC plan or helicopter), 1 chosen skin for 18 hours
For day 7:
500k! or few ammo for a single special weapon (As above), specially spawned vehicle (As above), 1 chosen skin for 24 hours, or 1 VIP point which you need like 10 points or 15 to get VIP 1 and its the maximum VIP you can get.

All these things above are just numbers and stuff which can be edited later and existed by chances not to be chosen from, my point is the idea itself to motivate more players to login everyday for at least 1H or 30 min, the bonuses can be changed to something else or something lower but these are the ideas i just got to make them an example









-1 not good idea


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