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You are here » The Great Cops And Robbers : » Denied Admins/Helpers » Admin Application-Cloudy

Admin Application-Cloudy

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Real Name: mazin ahmed
Game Name: VeroX
How can you help the team:I can help the team as being an active and tell players dont rule breaker and use hackers and  help players .
Why you think you must become Admin:I am there atleast 7 hours a day ingame and always active and try to help people as much as I can and tell them to follow rules.I will help people much more
Describe yourself:I am active 7 hours, polite, helpfull,play samp 3.5 years old and i like to help players
Will you follow the rules:Yes, I wll.
Will you speak politly to players and other admins/helpers:Yes, I will.



-1 you got banned for hacks and also you must become first helper




-Banned for hacks
-First apply for helper

                                                                            GOOD LUCK



Denied ban for hacks


You are here » The Great Cops And Robbers : » Denied Admins/Helpers » Admin Application-Cloudy